I find fulfillment these days in visible mending. Saving loved items for beloveds is a joyful endeavor and stops the cycle for a bit longer.

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My wife and I found that donations to charity make perfect gifts…especially for people who have so much stuff they wouldn't notice if we did gift something. Experiences (gift cards, tickets) are nice too, but then they have to use them. Donations are perfect: a great conversation starter, good even if the recipient ignores/misplaces/forgets about it, and no obligation to use/enjoy it.

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I also want to say thanks for the COP28 rundown. I had been paying virtually no attention while it was going on, because I had zero sense that anything real would come out of it. But then, of course, felt guilty about not paying attention. You have such a gift for synthesizing information. And it was also helpful to understand the real purpose of the gathering as Angela says.

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Thanks for the COP28 rundown (especially the framing that the intention of the conference isn't to solve the crisis, even if we wish it was), and pairing it with all the much-needed brighter side news!

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